When Would a Pediatric Dentist Recommend Dental Sealants?

When Would a Pediatric Dentist Recommend Dental Sealants? from Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental in Richmond, TXWhile dental sealants can protect teeth against decay in patients of all ages, a pediatric dentist usually recommends them for children. Tooth decay is one of the top dental issues that children develop, and it can have lifelong consequences.

Understanding Dental Sealants

Baby teeth do not have as much enamel as permanent teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay. In addition, children usually do not brush as well as adults, so they are more likely to struggle with adequately cleaning the teeth in the back of their mouth.

Tooth decay results from oral bacteria feeding on sugars left in the mouth after meals. These sugars are converted into acids that erode teeth structures, causing tooth decay. Oral hygiene helps remove acids made by bacteria in the mouth, but it is not always enough.

Dental sealants are varnish-like products painted on the biting surfaces of teeth prone to decay. The sealant forms a barrier that prevents acids in the mouth from reaching the tooth, protecting it against acids in the mouth. Along with being easy to maintain, the procedure to place dental sealants takes little time.

Reasons that a pediatric dentist might recommend dental sealants

Dental professionals understand how difficult it can be to get a child to brush their teeth on a regular basis. They also know that oral hygiene is crucial to overall oral health and teeth development. Fortunately, dental sealants can help with that. Here are a few reasons that a pediatric dentist might recommend dental sealants to a patient.

1. For decay-prone teeth

Some children are more likely to develop tooth decay due to factors such as genetics. They may struggle with decay even when they practice good oral hygiene and get regular teeth cleanings. A pediatric dentist can give children an extra level of protection by covering their teeth with dental sealants. In other cases, poor oral hygiene at a young age can also benefit from dental sealants.

2. When baby molars erupt

Baby teeth are more prone to decay due to their thin enamel, so dentists often recommend covering children’s molars with sealants as soon as they erupt. This protects the tooth from decay, so it remains healthy until it is time to fall out.

3. When a children’s adult teeth first erupt

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research recommends protecting a child’s permanent teeth with sealants as soon as they erupt. These permanent teeth have thinner enamel than adult teeth when they first emerge, making them more vulnerable to decay. A child’s first set of permanent molars should start erupting around the age of 6. The next set should emerge by the time they reach 13. A family dentist might also recommend sealants for a child’s premolars if they have deep grooves.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Sealants in Richmond, TX

Protect your teeth

Dental sealants protect children’s teeth from decay, one of the most common dental problems for kids. Give us a call or stop by our Richmond clinic to set up an appointment with our pediatric dentist.

Request an appointment or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at 832-579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

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