Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Root Canals

Frequently Asked Questions About Baby Root Canals from Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental in Richmond, TXWhile people of all ages can experience varying levels of tooth decay, professional dental care can help. When decay causes a bacterial infection in the root of a temporary tooth (baby tooth), a baby root canal may save the tooth. This allows the restored tooth to hold space for a permanent (adult) tooth until it naturally falls out. While baby root canals are safe, effective, and largely painless procedures, it is normal to have questions and concerns as a parent.

FAQ: Baby root canals

What is a baby root canal?

A baby root canal is a restorative dental procedure to remove the infection from a decayed baby tooth. When decay is left untreated, it will eventually reach the root of the tooth (the pulp). At this point, filling the cavity would not be enough because the infection must be removed to prevent further damage. The dental professional will perform a baby root canal to remove the infected tissue, clean and disinfect the area, and seal the pulp chamber. Finally, the dentist will restore the tooth’s function with a dental crown or similar dental restoration.

Why would my child need a baby root canal?

Many parents wonder whether or not a baby root canal is worth it, especially since baby teeth will eventually fall out. However, losing baby teeth prematurely is not recommended. Doing so can cause problems when a child eats and begins learning to talk. In addition, baby teeth are placeholders for adult teeth. If a baby tooth is lost to decay before its time, adult teeth may erupt in improper alignment, and orthodontic treatment may be necessary later in life. Further, infected teeth can cause toothaches, gum irritation, nausea and vomiting, and even fever. Baby root canals restore infected baby teeth to prevent these issues and more.

Are baby root canals common?

Baby root canals are not as common as adult root canals simply because children do not have their baby teeth for long. Therefore, a dentist will consider all available options before recommending a baby root canal. Typically, the other options are a cavity filling or tooth extraction. In most cases, preserving the natural tooth structure with either a filling or root canal is best. However, it depends on the child’s specific condition, such as the severity and location of the infection, which baby tooth is infected, and more.

How safe are baby root canals?

Baby root canals are safe for children. Dentists complete professional training and schooling on how to carry out this procedure with minimal risks. Parents should remember that it is not much different from getting a root canal as an adult.

Will the procedure hurt?

It is a common misconception that root canals are severely painful. In most cases, a baby root canal should feel no different than getting a cavity filled. The dentist will use a local anesthetic to minimize the child’s pain level. There may be some discomfort after the procedure is complete and the local anesthetic has worn off, but over-the-counter children’s pain relievers should help as the patient recovers.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Baby Root Canals in Richmond, TX

Call for more information

If your child is suffering from toothaches or other symptoms of severe tooth decay, consult our dental office for treatment. We will take a closer look at their condition and determine whether a baby root canal or another treatment is needed. Call our Richmond office today for an appointment.

Request an appointment or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at 832-579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

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