Effective Options for Cavity Treatment for Kids

Cavity treatment for kids is essential for a child’s oral health. Dental decay can cause discomfort, causing the child to lose focus at school. It can even result in low self-esteem and malnutrition. Treating cavities can improve your child’s general health. Here are effective techniques for cavity treatment for kids.

Dental crowns

There are cases when fillings cannot repair cavities anymore. The dental decay is so severe that it needs dental crowns to keep the tooth together. A dental crown is an effective cavity treatment for kids because it encases the whole tooth above the gumline. It strengthens and protects the decayed tooth from more damage. A crown can also prevent more infection. The dentist will match the color of the dental crown to the color of the natural tooth.

Dental fillings

This cavity treatment for kids is suitable for mild to moderate dental decay. The dentist will match the color of the filling material to the color of the natural tooth. The composite resin material will seal the tooth and prevent the cavity from worsening. Exposing the material to a curing light will harden it. The dentist will polish it to match the texture and shine of the natural tooth. A child with many cavities will need many visits to shorten the chair time.


A child with a severe tooth infection may need a pulpotomy. This cavity treatment for kids is like a root canal, but only a small section of the pulp needs to be removed. Creating an opening at the top of the tooth will provide access to the pulp. The dentist will remove the infected part of the pulp. After placing medication into the pulp chamber, a custom-fit crown will cover the young tooth. This restoration can strengthen and protect the treated tooth.

Tooth extraction

The dentist may recommend this cavity treatment for kids if the decay is severe. In this case, the cavity will already be too deep to repair. A space maintainer will be necessary after extracting a baby tooth. This device will keep the dental space intact to guide the developing adult tooth. It can prevent dental misalignment, shifting, and crowding. The child can then develop dental skills more easily later.

Silver diamine fluoride treatment

A dentist can detect the early stages of dental decay. In this situation, the child can receive non-invasive cavity treatment for kids. Research shows that silver diamine fluoride can kill bad bacteria that cause cavities. This substance also strengthens the enamel layer of teeth and slows down decay. Silver diamine fluoride is a short-term solution for tooth decay in baby teeth.

The U.S.FDA approved the use of silver diamine fluoride. This antibacterial liquid is a cavity treatment for kids in a clinical setting. It aims to control cavity formation. Silver and fluoride are its active components. Silver strengthens the dentin later and kills bacteria. Fluoride prevents and stops dental decay.

Why using cavity treatment for kids is important

More dental problems develop from untreated dental decay. Dental pain and infections often strike. These issues can lead to many dental problems. Cavity formation can also make a child’s formative years difficult.

Without treatment, dental decay can also lead to dental abscess. Studies show that oral health is connected to general health. A cavity treatment for kids can prevent tooth decay from worsening. It can then help the child achieve better health while growing up.

The use of sedation dentistry

A cavity treatment for kids may become intrusive in some cases. The child will need the right dental sedation for the procedure. Discussing the types of dental sedation during a cavity treatment for kids can help the parent prepare the child for the treatment. The consultation can also help the parent make informed decisions about the right one.

Nitrous oxide is also called laughing gas. Inhaling this gas can relax without making the child fall asleep. The child will inhale this gas through a mask or cannula. The effects of this dental sedation fade the moment the child stops breathing the gas.

General anesthesia is often for kids who need to stay asleep during a cavity treatment for kids. The dentist will recommend this type of dental sedation for kids with special needs and those who suffer from dental fear. Caring for the child during the ride home is necessary. The effects of the general anesthetic may last for hours. At home, assist the child and discourage eating or drinking until the effects of the anesthetic fade completely.

Knowing the options for cavity treatment for kids can prepare your child for the treatment

The early detection of cavities can lead to early treatment. Studies show that catching dental decay early can result in its reversal with the proper treatments. Lack of treatment can worsen cavities. Working with your dentist can help your child get the right cavity treatment for kids and ward off a painful smile.

Request an appointment here: https://www.grandparkwaypediatricdental.com or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Cavity Treatment for Kids in Richmond, TX.

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