Dental Sealants for Kids: How They Help Prevent Cavities

Dental Sealant For Kids Richmond, TX

A dental sealant for kids can prevent cavity formation. This thin layer of protection can last long with proper care and maintenance. Kids are ideal candidates for this treatment because of their new teeth. Knowing how sealants can enhance your child’s oral health can help you and your child prepare for treatment day. Here are the ways a dental sealant for kids can prevent cavities from forming.

The process of applying dental sealants

Assessing the child’s teeth will come first. The pediatric dentist will then identify the teeth that will receive the sealants. Cleaning, drying, and isolating the teeth with sterile cotton rolls will come next. The cotton will prevent the tooth from getting wet before applying the sealant.

The dentist will seal one tooth at a time. The target teeth will first receive a conditioning or roughening gel to prepare them for bonding. Rinsing off the gel and drying the teeth again will come next. The dentist will apply the dental sealant to each tooth. The sealant will flow over the tooth, including its fissures and pits. The dentist will use a curing light to harden the dental sealant.

When sealants are necessary

Studies show that dental decay often starts in the grooves and pits of the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The dentist will recommend applying the sealants on these teeth to prevent cavity formation. Kids often get their first permanent molars at the age of six or seven. The second permanent molars often emerge at 11 or 12 years of age.

Why a dental sealant for kids is important

Molars are for chewing. Food particles and bacteria are often stuck in the pits and grooves. It can be difficult to remove bacteria from these areas even if the child brushes well. The deepness of the fissures and grooves tend to cause this difficulty.

Cleaning them may be difficult because they are in the back. The dental sealant for kids can prevent food particles and bacteria from getting stuck. It can also make cleaning more efficient for the young ones. The child can then enjoy cavity-free teeth during the formative years and beyond.

The benefits

Dental sealants for kids protect the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. It is ideal for young kids who just had their molars. The dentist can provide the child with another layer of dental protection besides fluoride treatments. Below are the different benefits of getting a dental sealant for kids:

  • Every child can benefit from a dental sealant. Any child who wants stronger, healthier teeth can get this treatment. Healthy teeth are important in a child’s formative years.
  • Each application can protect against bacteria that erode the enamel. Bacterial acids cannot reach the enamel with a dental sealant for kids.
  • This treatment is long-lasting. It needs proper care and maintenance. The child can receive proper dental protection during the critical years of development. Regular dental checks allow the dentist to repair or re-apply the sealants when necessary.
  • The process is painless and quick. After cleaning the target teeth, the dentist will dry them. Roughening the teeth will allow the sealant to stick better to them. Rinsing and drying them will follow. The liquid dental sealant for kids will flow over the fissures and grooves. This form makes it easier to apply. The dentist will apply the dental sealant for kids on the prepared teeth. Exposing it to a curing light for one to two minutes will harden it.
  • The application of dental sealant for kids can be early. The dentist can apply the sealant as soon as the permanent tooth begins to emerge. A six-year-old child can get the sealants when the first permanent molars peak through the gum tissue.
  • These sealants can help one avoid extensive and expensive treatments. Protecting young teeth gives the child a great start in dental health. Continuing this level of protection can help prevent long, invasive, and expensive dental treatments in the future. It is better to prevent dental issues than to get dental restorations to correct them. Prevention is less expensive and less tedious than the necessary treatments.

Dental sealant for kids can help preserve your child’s painless smile

Cavities can form at any age because of so many factors. The most common one is inadequate oral care. Even proper brushing cannot remove all the food particles and bacteria. A little help in the form of a dental sealant for kids is necessary. Working with your dentist can help maintain these clear barriers for years.

Request an appointment here: or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Sealants in Richmond, TX.

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