5 Things Parents Need to Know About Kids Dental Crowns

Kids Dental Crowns Richmond, TX

Knowing that your child will get kids dental crowns can cause you to feel anxious. It may even lead to a stressful home, especially if you have other small kids. Knowing the essentials of these dental restorations can help prepare you and your child for the treatment. Here are five things that parents like you must know about kids dental crowns.

1. Therapeutic treatment

Research shows that giving kids dental crowns is a form of dental therapy. Decay or damage can leave a child’s tooth in bad condition. The dentist will recommend these restorations so that the pain will go away after the treatment. Applying dental crowns is a traditional approach as well. It ensures that most of the natural dental structure stays in place.

2. Restorative treatment

Kids dental crowns are restorative as well. Those who cannot perform proper oral care may need more help when it comes to dental health. Parents must know that a damaged tooth will need extra care. The dentist will recommend these restorations to bring back the tooth’s dental function. This treatment will help the baby tooth stay intact until the adult teeth emerge. Young permanent teeth will have proper support as they develop.

3. Secure restorations

A parent may think twice about allowing a child to have kids dental crowns. Fearing that the child will be hurt can prevent the child from receiving proper treatment. Parents must know that the treatment is not harmful at all. The dentist will ensure that it will be a painless experience for the child. The crown will fall out with the baby tooth when the adult tooth comes out.

5. Temporary help

Kids dental crowns may not last very long in the child’s mouth. Baby teeth will fall out later. The adult teeth will then fill the space. A child can get composite resin dental crowns if the baby tooth is almost going to fall out and if the affected tooth is in the front. Back baby teeth can have gold or metal alloy dental crowns. A strong crown can stay on the baby tooth until the adult teeth are ready to come out.

5. Preventive treatment

A child with kids dental crowns will have dental protection against cavities. Each crown will shield the whole tooth, which blocks the bacteria from harming the natural tooth underneath. The adult teeth will emerge healthy afterwards. Kids dental crowns also help adult teeth come out aligned. This can prevent dental shifting and extensive dental alignment when the child grows up.

Preparing the child for kids dental crowns

The process of getting kids dental crowns can be a complex one. Preparing the child is important, especially if this is their first dental treatment. Telling the truth will give the child a clear picture of what will happen. Below are some tips on how to orient the child before getting kids dental crowns:

  • Stay patient and calm before and during the appointment. The child may continue to ask questions on this day. Refrain from telling the child unsavory stories about the procedure. It is ideal to ensure that the young patient’s treatment stays relaxing as well as comfortable.
  • Use kid-friendly words to explain the procedure. The parent does not need to give every detail. Do not tell the child parts that can cause dental fear. Explain the basics of staying in the treatment chair with the mouth open. Also, tell the child that the dentist will give some medicine to remove pain and that the dental crowns will make the teeth feel better.
  • Act the treatment out. Use stuffed animals or other toys to demonstrate the procedure. Ask the child to lie down. The parent can also use some household items to show how a dental crown works. Praise good behavior during the demonstration. This will let the young patient know that the procedure will help achieve a healthier smile.
  • Bring toys, music, or a favorite animated movie on appointment day. This can help comfort and even distract the child from worrying about the kids dental crowns procedure.

Parents can prepare better with proper information about kids dental crowns

Any dental treatment can cause nervousness in parents and children. That is why you should know everything possible about the procedure your child will have. Kids dental crowns will restore your child’s dental health and help them feel better. Working with your dentist can help your child’s new restorations last for a long time.

Request an appointment here: https://www.grandparkwaypediatricdental.com or call Grand Parkway Pediatric Dental at (832) 579-0960 for an appointment in our Richmond office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Kids Dental Crowns in Richmond, TX.

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